Welsh Immersion Information for Year 6 Parents

Catrin Pritchard,  the headteacher at Ysgol Morgan LLwyd, would like to share their plans for this year’s Open Evening/Immersion course with the county’s English-medium primary schools.  We are holding a virtual “Open Evening”. A link to this interactive event will be on our website – www.ysgolmorganllwyd.cymru – on Monday, October 12th, and will stay on the website … Read more

Parent/Carer Survey

We would be very grateful if parents could complete this online survey about Ysgol Maes Y Mynydd. Any responses will need to be completed by Friday. Many Thanks https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Ug4_TzS3ZEGUCRtgHRR5k1KzLdZ2co9GraVeM-32jGtUQTNaMUxGV1k3QVg1MTVJMEYzQjZKRFBNVC4u