Nursery Admissions 2019

The Council, as the Local Authority (LA) ensures the provision of nursery education within a range of schools. This can be English medium, Welsh medium or an Aided or Controlled school. Nursery provision is offered on the basis of five 2 ½ hour sessions per week during the school year 2019/2020. The sessions which your child will be able to attend will be made known to you by the head teacher as soon as possible after you have been notified about a nursery school place for your child.
From 2 January 2019 you can apply on-line for a nursery school place for your child, using the On-line Admissions Service at
All you need is your email address in order to make an on-line application from your home computer, tablet or mobile phone.

By producing a library card you can also use the facilities at Contact Wrexham and Wrexham Library to make your on-line application.  If you prefer to complete a paper application form this can be downloaded by clicking on the (PDF) Nursery Admission Pack on this page.