Christmas Concert Tickets

All remaining Christmas concert tickets are now on general sale for all performances.  Please note, tickets are limited and are only available to purchase via ParentPay.

Message from Mrs Evans and Mr Green

Hello Everyone, As you are aware we have our Christmas performances on Tuesday 19th a.m (a.m Nursery & Reception) and Wednesday 20th p.m (p.m Nursery & Reception) of December. Children are welcome to wear any Christmas themed costume of their choice or a Christmas jumper. On the Tuesday, please can Morning Nursery and Reception children … Read more

Leaving School Early

We have noticed a significant increase in the amount of children being picked up from the office before the end of the school day. Pupils should only be leaving early if they have an appointment that can’t be made out of school time. Please be mindful that when leaving early they miss valuable education time … Read more

Christmas Dinner

Christmas dinner this year will be on Thursday 7th December. Anyone wanting a Christmas dinner will need to pre-book the meal via ParentPay, the option will be either Turkey or Quorn. If any children do not want a Christmas dinner, they will need to bring a packed lunch on that day. Many thanks