Year 1: Spring Term 2018

Year 1’s topic this term is ‘Once Upon a Time’. The story we are learning about at the moment is the Three Little Pig’s. We will be looking at different natural and man-made materials and will be writing our own stories at the end of term. Mrs Saiet-Jones’ Class has PE on a Monday and … Read more

Year 3 & 4 Spring Term 2018

Years 3 and 4 Topic is called Tremors this half term. We are looking at Volcanoes and Earthquakes. We will be looking at the story of Pompeii and writing a newspaper report on the volcanic eruption that happened there.        Mrs Ellis’ class has PE on a Monday. Mr Hughes’ and Mrs James’ class have … Read more

Non Uniform Day

Friday 22nd December is a non uniform day for the whole school. There is no charge for this. Thank you