Discretionary Assistance Fund (DAF)

Please see the website below which may be of help to some Parents/Carers https://gov.wales/discretionary-assistance-fund-daf/how-apply Discretionary Assistance Fund (DAF): How to apply | GOV.WALES Emergency Assistance Payment: coronavirus hardship. Between 1 May 2020 to 31 March 2021, you can get no more than 5 grants in a year. g

Silver Birch & Rowan

All children in Silver Birch and Rowan will need to self isolate from today and should not be in school today, more details to follow

Service Children

Please help us to gain an understanding of our Service community by completing the attached form and returning it to the school by 18th December 2020.  We encourage all families to return the completed form, to indicate if they are part of an Armed Forces family or not. Where possible, please complete online and return … Read more


We have had several complaints in recent weeks from parents and residents regarding dangerous driving and inconsiderate parking of cars outside school during drop off and collection times. To help keep everyone safe, please take extra care and be mindful of others during these busy times of the day. Many thanks  

Message for Dosbarth Maple

Please can all children in Maple bring a warm coat and wellies/outdoor shoes to school tomorrow (03/12/20) as they will be going on the field.


Please can all children in Oak class bring old shoes/wellies and a warm coat to school tomorrow (2/12/20) as they will be going on the field.  


As part of our class science,  Oak class have been investigating how we use our 5 senses. Next Monday (07-12-20) we will take part in a Taste investigation. I am aware of some dietary needs but wanted to check if anyone has developed any others?  Please can you let the school know before the end of the … Read more


The re-arranged ramble will now take place tomorrow (2/12/20).  All children in the juniors (years 3-6) will be taking part in the ramble around the local area. Restrictions will be followed and all children will be kept in their class bubbles. Please ensure children wear warm clothes, a waterproof coat and bring appropriate footwear to … Read more