Found on the yard

Some money has been found on the school yard. Please contact the office if you think it could be yours.

Attendance Reminder

If your child is off for any reason, please ensure you inform the school by 9am on the first day of absence. This can be done by leaving a voicemail, text or email.  Any unexplained absences will be referred to the Attendance Support Officer each day who may then do a home visit. 

Healthy Snack

If you would like your child/children to have a piece of fruit each day the week after the Easter holidays, please pay via ParentPay by 1pm ​thisThursday 7th April.  

VE Day Celebrations

To clarify VE day celebrations. Yr Wyddfa will be tomorrow and Crib Goch and Pen Y Fan on Friday. They can come to school dressed as WWII characters. They need to bring party food typical of WWII.

Parentpay unavailable 5.4.22

Due to essential maintenance, parents will be unable to pre order school meals via ParentPay on the evening of 05/04/2022 between 18:00 and 00:00. 

School Dinners

Once again we are having high numbers of children who have no lunch ordered. This is resulting in valuable teaching time being taken up ordering food. Please can parents ensure they pre order lunch for their child/children via ParentPay. If you are unable to do this, please contact the main office for assistance.

Reminder – Ukraine donations

If your child has come into school today wearing blue or yellow to show support for Ukraine, Parentpay is still open for donations.  Thank you for the contributions that we have received so far! Ukraine Fundraiser ( Ukraine Fundraiser See the story


Due to essential maintenance, you will be unable to pre-order school meals tomorrow (31/03/2022) between the hours of 18:00 and 00:00.