Spare school uniform, coats and shoes

We have lots of used/spare uniform, coats and shoes in school.  If anyone can make use of it, it is available outside the main reception area, it has all been washed. Please help yourselves.

For sale: Baby stick insects

Dear Parents and Carers Crib Goch would like to inform you that we are selling our baby stick insects outside our classroom from 3:00-3:30pm everyday this week (as long as we have enough stock) The price is £1 for 1 stick insect and £2 for 3 stick insects. For 10 eggs it’s 50p. We will … Read more

KS2 Trip to the Eisteddfod (Years 3/4/5/6)

We can see that a lot of children have school dinner ordered for tomorrow when they will be out on the trip to the Eisteddfod. If your child has free school meals and you have booked a meal, we will provide them with a packed lunch.  If you pay for your child’s meal and have … Read more

Cut off dates for Early Entitlement 2023

These are the dates you can apply for an early entitlement place in our school. January intake children must have their 3rd birthday on or before  8th January 2023   Summer intake children must have their 3rd birthday on or before 16th April 2023   Online and paper application dates: • 1 September – 28 October … Read more

Spare Uniform

We have lots of used/spare uniform in school. If anyone can make use of it, it will be available all next week, located outside the reception area for Parents to help themselves to. It has all been washed.

Bike safety

We are very concerned by the number of Year 6 boys who are coming to school on their bikes without wearing helmets. They have been seen riding without care to school and are racing up the driveway skidding to a halt at the bike racks.  These pupils have completed their Bikeability training but unfortunately are … Read more

Healthy Snack – week commencing 11th July

If your child/children would like a piece of fruit each day from ‘Siop Y Mynydd’ next week and you have not already paid, please pay via ParentPay by the end of the day on Thursday 7th July.  When we return in September, there will be no snack for the first week back. We will set this … Read more