Book Sale – Thursday 9th March

On Thursday afternoon, the School Council will be holding a ‘10p Book Sale’ in the top hall. Books will be sold for 10p each. All children will have the opportunity to buy some books during the afternoon with their classes. You will also be able to go with your child/children to the book sale at … Read more

World Book Day

We will be celebrating our World Book Day on Thursday 9th March. We are not asking children to dress up. The children will be taking part in various activities during the day. Our slogan of the day will be ‘Read to Recharge’ as reading is vital for wellbeing, offering entertainment, escape and a much needed screen break!  Our … Read more

Healthy Snack

If your child/children would like a piece of fruit each day from ‘Siop Y Mynydd’ next week and you have not already paid, please pay via ParentPay by 1pm today. Diolch

Holiday club – Easter bookings

We are now taking bookings for ‘All stars Holiday club’ Easter holidays. We have a special visit planned from the Easter bunny himself! We are open from Monday 3rd – Thursday 6th April and Tuesday 11th – Friday 14th April. To book contact Claire on [email protected]  01978 832988 ( after 3.15pm)

Diwrnod Daffodil Melyn – Wednesday 1st March 2023

On Wednesday 1st March we will be holding a Daffodil Day ‘Diwrnod Daffodil Melyn’ to raise money for Marie Curie. We are asking children to come to school wearing yellow or something yellow. Daffodils will be available to buy in school this week at a cost of £1 each. Children will be selling the daffodils in classes and … Read more