After School Club

After School Club is fully booked up for Wednesday 15/5/19 and Thursday 16/5/19. If you need a place for your child after these dates, please make sure you book in advance as it fills up quickly!! Thank you

Communities for Work brochure

Welcome to the Quarterly edition of the Communities for Work Plus brochure. Communities for Work Plus (CFW+) offers support to all residents in Wrexham who are looking to get into employment, volunteering or training. Communities-for-work-brochure-april-june-2019-E-Final.pdf

National Tests – Years 2 – 6

National Tests All pupils from years 2 – 6 will take part in national testing for reading and maths in May. All tests have to be completed between May 7th and May 14th. Reading Test Years 2 – 6 – will be on Tuesday 7th May Maths Reasoning Test Years 2/4/5 will be on Wednesday … Read more

Free School Meals

Please find attached the information for parents from the Welsh Assembly/Atkins Group in regard to Universal Credit transitional period for free school meals. Free-school-meals-FAQs-for-parents-English.pdf Free-school-meals-FAQs-for-parents-Cymraeg.pdf