School open

School will be open tomorrow March 5th. Please take care around the site and follow the cleared paths.

School closure March 2nd

School is likely to be closed tomorrow due to the weather conditions. Will update in the morning. Parents of pupils in Cardiff will be contacted tomorrow as soon as we have any information. All are safe.

Year 1: Spring Term 2018

Year 1’s topic this term is ‘Once Upon a Time’. The story we are learning about at the moment is the Three Little Pig’s. We will be looking at different natural and man-made materials and will be writing our own stories at the end of term. Mrs Saiet-Jones’ Class has PE on a Monday and … Read more

Year 3 & 4 Spring Term 2018

Years 3 and 4 Topic is called Tremors this half term. We are looking at Volcanoes and Earthquakes. We will be looking at the story of Pompeii and writing a newspaper report on the volcanic eruption that happened there.        Mrs Ellis’ class has PE on a Monday. Mr Hughes’ and Mrs James’ class have … Read more